Considering others' endeavors to catalog pressings of unique records-this (anyone got a copy for me?) and this (I guess a number doesn't really make for a unique record)-EV's CEO Ryan and I decided that it could be fun to attempt similar for the Nubees. And at only 45 copies the task is surely easier than Propeller's 500!
The first attempt of Track The Nubees was hosted on my unfocused, infrequently updated website, but the always dreaded "technical difficulties" led to its demise. This blog will be take two. The numbers below will be filled in with images of all copies I'm aware of.
If you have a copy of the Nubees 45, I'd very much appreciate your contribution to this site. Please get in touch or send a scan or photo of your release (sleeve, labels, your number, etc).
*The column desperately needs to be rewritten, or at the very least massively updated. It's on my "to-do" list.